Glossop - Postbox Scatter Challenge

This is a postbox challenge with a difference, it is a Scatter course. These are somewhere between a Score and a Linear. The object is to start at the Start, finish at the Finish and collect a defined number of controls in between. There are 21 virtual controls on the map: collect ANY 8 to complete the Short course, 12 for the Medium, and 16 for the Long. Fastest wins. Although there is only one map file, you must decide beforehand which course you are doing and download the correct course file (long, medium or short) to your phone.

All the control sites are postboxes but the start and finish are the statue in Norfolk Square in the town centre.

The maps and Maprun downloads for your phone are available from these links. There is a single map for all courses, the map pdf is here

Glossop Challenge Map

On your app 'Select Event'


and download the appropriate course to your phone.

The start location